Vatican is in Panic Mode: Pope Floundering After Taking Vaccine

Demonic Catholic News Headlines 

Danger Will Robinson, Danger! NEVER take any Spiritual instruction, or any Biblical advice of any kind, from a Catholic be they Clergy or a lay person!  They are Biblically Ignorant in all matters!

Vatican in Panic: Pope’s Sciatica Worse after Taking Vaccine

Pope Francis and former Pope Benedict have received the first dose of a coronavirus vaccine less than two weeks ago and already Pope Francis has been forced to cancel three public appearances due to a sudden reoccurrence of sciatica, that struck him at the end of 2020. 

A sickness that got worse after receiving the Pfizervaccine that Pope Francis insisted to take after Fabrizio Soccorsi, his personal doctor, suddenly died on January 9th of complications caused by Covid-19.

Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni announced to the world on January 14, 2021, that the two popes had received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, but 9 days later, the 84-year-old pope would once be again canceling public appearances due to painful sciatica. In recent weeks, Pope Francis who has spoken several times on the subject of vaccines said in an interview with Berlusconi’s Canale 5 channel that he believes “that ethically everyone should take the vaccine”  without taking into account the possible side effects and dangers.

 Now the flareup of Francis’ sciatica raises questions about his planned March trip to Iraq, in a region of the world that is becoming more unstable and far too dangerous to visit after the arrival of President Biden in the White House. In the meantime, talks behind the Vatican walls are intensifying regarding the possibility of an imminent resignation for health reasons by Pope Francis, that has completed his mission to corrupt the Catholic Church by nominating a sufficient number of left-wing Cardinals loyal to the Jesuit agenda inthe College of Cardinals to determine the Communist future of the Church and the next Papal election. Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Archbishop emeritus of Cape Coast (Ghana), will almost surely be that progressive choice.

Sciatica, also known as radiculopathy, occurs when the sciatic nerve, which begins in the lower back and splits to run down each leg, is pressed or pinched. The associated pain is described as traveling down the leg to the foot and can vary from a dull sensation or soreness to severe stabbing, radiating pain. In some cases, the pain can be so intense that it becomes difficult to walk or stand. So the situation might be truly devastating and almost impossible to carry on for the Jesuit Pope who might also be affected now by the side effects of the Pfizer vaccination. The most commonly reported side effects, which typically last several days, are pain at the injection site, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, and fever. Something to note, more people experienced side effects after the second dose than after the first dose, so imagine what could happen to Pope Francis when he takes the second dose after 21 days? The death of Fabrizio Soccorsi, his personal doctor, traumatized the Pope so much he rushed to take the vaccine even against the advice of doctors, worried about his already frail condition.

Pope Francis has always been expected to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, who resigned in 2013, but the persistence of Pope Ratzinger, the Pope Emeritus who is still alive and kicking has probably delayed the inevitable process. Pope Francis is transfoming the Catholic Church into the future One World Religion and is very wary about leaving the Petrine Ministry with Ratzinger, who is such an opponent of change and is still alive, where Jorge Mario Bergoglio wants to retire. Source 

Vatican Offically Pro Vaccine

Pope Picks Non-Canonical Seven Deadly Sins

PADUA, Italy ( – Pope Francis is brushing aside the Catholic Church’s canon of the seven deadly sins, opting instead for a “politically correct” version of vices in a new series for Italian television.

The pope’s alternative list of seven cardinal sins for the seven episodes on Nove TV excludes lust, pride, avarice, greed and sloth as laid down in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The newer catalog of Francis’ capital sins substitutes five of the canonical capital sins for the vices of despair, folly, inconstancy, injustice, and infidelity.  

Only two vices — wrath and envy — remain the same in the older list and the newer list.

Vices and Virtues: A Conversation with Francis” will feature the pope in dialogue with Fr. Marco Pozza, chaplain of the Due Palazzi prison in Padua and a television and sports celebrity.

The seven virtues expounded by Francis in the series will remain the same as taught in the Church’s tradition — the Catechism’s four “cardinal virtues” of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance and the three theological virtues of faith, hope and charity enumerated by St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 — both seamlessly stitched together by St. Thomas Aquinas. More here

Vatican Calls for ‘Unprecedented Collective Response’ to Climate Change

ROME — The Vatican has called for a “responsible, unprecedented collective response” to the “momentous challenge” of climate change.

Speaking on behalf of Pope Francis, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin said in an online address Monday to the Climate Adaptation Summit taking place in the Netherlands that climate change “represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.”

“The scientific data at our disposal clearly show the urgent need for swift action,” Cardinal Parolin said. “The transition to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is a problem not only of the domain of technology, but also a question of consumption patterns, education, and lifestyles.”

The cardinal said that Pope Francis wished to assure participants in the Climate Adaptation Summit “of his closeness, support and encouragement in these days of intense effort.”

The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation activities must go hand-in-hand with strengthening adaptation and resilience, Parolin said. “This is a moral and humanitarian imperative, especially since the greatest negative consequences of climate change often affect the most vulnerable: the poor and future generations.” More here

Two Brothers Reveal Obama’s “Moral Compass”, a Homosexual Priest, Raped Them When They Were 12

Barack Obama’s former spiritual adviser, Rev. Michael Pfleger, repeatedly raped a pair of brothers when they were just 12-years-old, according to new testimony.

The sick pedophile used to be Obama’s “moral compass.”

Friends and advisers, such as the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina Roman Catholic Church in the Auburn- Gresham community on the South Side, who has known Obama for the better part of 20 years, help him keep that compass set, he says.

“I always have felt in him this consciousness that, at the end of the day, with all of us, you’ve got to face God,” Pfleger says of Obama. “Faith is key to his life, no question about it. It is central to who he is, and not just in his work in the political field, but as a man, as a black man, as a husband, as a father…. I don’t think he could easily divorce his faith from who he is.”

Before the child rape accusations became public knowledge, Pfleger used to rant incessantly about gun control:

During an address at an anti-gun rally in front of Chuck’s, Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina’s Church, exhorted the crowd to “drag” shop owner, John Riggio, from his shop “like a rat” and “snuff” him. Rev. Pfleger went on to tell the crowd that legislators that vote against gun control legislation should be “snuffed” as well. As many know, “snuff” is slang for especially violent murder.

“We’re gonna snuff out legislators who are voting [garbled] against our gun laws and we’re coming for you because we are not going to sit idly.” reports: And then the child abuse allegations arrived. 

The Chicago Tribune has interviews with two brothers who allege that Pfleger began abusing them from the ages of 12 and 13.

Nearly five decades later, the two men now say that former choir director, the Rev. Michael Pfleger, molested them dozens of times over several years beginning in the early 1970s. The brothers said they were sexually abused in Pfleger’s room at three churches, beginning at Precious Blood and including St. Sabina on the South Side, where the well-known priest has been assigned since his 1975 ordination.

The men, who are in their early 60s and live in Texas, said the abuse was a secret they had never revealed, not even to each other, until the younger of the two filed a complaint Jan. 4 to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago. The archdiocese announced the next day that Pfleger had agreed to step away from ministry while an allegation of abuse was investigated.

“I go back in my young mind and I say to myself, ‘What’s happening here?’ And I ask myself, ‘What do I do, you know, other than freeze?’” said the older brother, a 63-year-old former police sergeant and U.S. Air Force veteran, choking back tears. “You lay there and you hold your breath and hope for the best.”

The men have asked not to be publicly named, in part to protect the privacy of relatives who still live in Chicago and, they said, fear possible fallout from supporters of Pfleger. The older brother filed his complaint with the archdiocese Friday.

The older brother said Pfleger began molesting him about a year after they met, when he was 12, and continued from 1970 to 1976, in dozens of incidents at Precious Blood, Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Glenview, St. Sabina and the Mundelein seminary.

The man said he often tried to pretend he was sleeping during the abuse, which included acts of penetration, according to his complaint. The two were always alone in the bedroom during the incidents, he told the Tribune. There were no threats, discussions or apologies afterward, he said.

Obama couldn’t have found a better choice for keeping his moral compass straight. Source

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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