Demonic Catholic News Alert November 19, 2018

Pope decries that ‘wealthy few’ feast on what belongs to all If you did not think this Bastard (Hebrews 12:8) is a socialist, this should remove any doubt! VATICAN CITY (AP) — Championing the cause of the poor, Pope Francis on Sunday lamented that “the wealthy few” enjoy what, “in justice, belongs to all” and … Click Here to Read more

Pope Francis: Lucifer is god of the Catholic Church

The Time That Pope Francis In St. Peter’s Square At The Vatican Declared To The Entire World That Lucifer Is The God Of The Catholic Church What was so special about this ceremony to go to all that expense and trouble? What was it that the pope needed the entire world to watch? As it … Click Here to Read more

Demonic Catholic News Alert November 14, 2018

The Vatican is preparing for the Pope’s resignation in February 2019 and US Bishops are disgusted! The Vatican is under profound scrutiny and criticism after Monday’s shock announcement that they requested the U.S. Catholic Bishops to delay voting on new standards for survivors of sexual abuse and bishop accountability. The US Bishops, who were attending … Click Here to Read more

Pope goes Wiccan and Queer

The Apostasy of Pope Francis: Wiccan stang and an LGBT rainbow cross FOTM – Since his election and installation in March 2013 as Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church, we now have sufficient evidence from Jorge Bergoglio’s words and deeds to raise serious questions as to whether this pope is Catholic or even Christian: … Click Here to Read more

Demonic Catholic News Alert for November 11, 2018

Pope denounces governments that use media to defame critics VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis is denouncing the way some governments seek to discredit their critics through “whisper” campaigns, using the media to defame anyone who represents a threat. During his morning homily Thursday, Francis said such slander campaigns can infect relations in families, parishes … Click Here to Read more

CATHEXIT: A Call for an Exodus

CATHEXIT = Exit Catholicism and RUN from the Catholic Church! First there was BREXIT Brexit is the impending withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. In a referendum on 23 June 2016, 51.9% of the participating UK electorate voted to leave the EU, out of a turnout of 72.2%. On 29 March 2017, … Click Here to Read more

Pope denies the Sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ Once Again!

Promotes and elevates Mary asking the Ignorant masses to Rub on beads, pray to her and an Angel Two stories came out this past week that just made my skin crawl and all I could do was shake my head knowing this demonic fool is leading over a BILLION people straight to Hell. Nowhere is … Click Here to Read more

Catholic Virgins are Mad as Hell and they are not going to take it anymore

The incoming Harlots are very happy! Bet there are a few Lesbians in the mix! Virgins shocked Vatican allowing them to have sex – ‘Consecrated’ women furious with new Catholic Church ruling. Guardian – Christian Catholic women who have pledged lifelong virginity as “brides of Christ” have expressed shock at a Vatican document that suggests … Click Here to Read more

False Prophet Paid Homage to the Moon god Allah in 2014

Was Instructed in the Quran as well!! Christians around the world should visit mosques and praise Allah, according to Pope Francis who led by example on his visit to Istanbul by entering the Blue Mosque, taking off his shoes, facing Mecca, and praising the Muslim god.  2nd Corinthians 6:14 “Be ye not unequally yoked together … Click Here to Read more

This is Catholicism: Priests Assault Babies and Young Children

Excerpt from Fox News – A French priest has been suspended from “all baptism and marriage celebrations” after a viral video showed him slapping a baby on the face during a baptism ceremony, the diocese said. Father Jacque Lacroix, 89, a priest who belonged to the Meaux Diocese, became a viral sensation after a YouTube … Click Here to Read more

Filthy Satanic Jesuit Priest advises Catholics to Fight Abortion by, get this, Electing Pro-Choice Democrats

Jesuit Father Thomas Reese has published a disgraceful essay urging Americans to vote for pro-choice Democrats while claiming that defunding Planned Parenthood is “irresponsible.” Thomas D. Williams PhD | Writing for Religion News Service (RNS)— Father Reese, the former editor-in-chief of America Magazine—says that “pro-lifers must consider voting for candidates, even pro-choice Democrats, who will … Click Here to Read more