Is a Vatican Advisor Queer? He says some Saints ‘were probably gay’!

“Some of them were probably gay. A certain percentage of humanity is gay, and so were most likely some of the saints. You may be surprised when you get to heaven to be greeted by LGBT men and women.” You people really need to know Biblically Who is a Saint and Who is NOT!  These … Click Here to Read more

Pervert Priest dresses as Hugh Hefner: Has simulated sex with Male Playboy Bunnies

Your Sins will be revealed! Numbers 32:23 “But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.” See also: Sex Orgies, Prostitution and Porn videos shake Catholic Church in Italy The parish priest from the Galician town of Cuntis has apologized for … Click Here to Read more

Sex Orgies, Prostitution and Porn videos shake Catholic Church in Italy

Oh what a joy it is to be Catholic. You can Sin all you want and get a pardon from a pervert priest! NOT!!!! 1st Corinthians 6:9-10 “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves … Click Here to Read more

Catholic Priest Molested Milo Yiannopoulos! Probably is what made him a Homosexual!

I was reserved in commenting about Breitbart’s Gay Guy Milo because he was honest about his queerness, opposed what most LGBT weirdo’s stand for. Now that he has admitted what possible was a factor in making him a Homosexual, I can say I had my suspicions all along. Catholicism is a Cancer in the body … Click Here to Read more

Children “Consented” to be Sexually Abused by Priests

The Catholic Church and British Government say that the Kids “Consented” to Sexual Abuse to avoid paying them Compensation “So, you actually mean that most of the time it’s because of the kid’s fault?”  Flaim responded by saying, “Yes, most of the time.” Free Thought Project – A scathing report from Victim Support, a charity … Click Here to Read more

Pedophile Catholic Priests have Stronghold on Island of Guam

When you read this keep in mind it is on a small island with not that many people.

This has been going on, according to the article, since 1955! Just another instance of religion being used as a cover. It is stated the parents told one child “ clergy are never wrong, and that the clergy were like Jesus.”  Oh those brain washed religious fools!

Excerpts USA Today There was yard work and cleaning, followed by invitations to the rectory to eat and watch TV. Soon, there were offers to drink sacramental wine and watch X-rated movies. Then sexual assault…. More than 50 times over three years….. By the parish priest.

An investigation by the USA TODAY Network’s Pacific Daily News unearthed allegations of decades of assault, manipulation and intimidation of children reared on this remote, predominantly Catholic U.S. territory.  Among the accusations: a boy fondled on the way to his grandmother’s burial, and another molested for the first time on his seventh birthday, then raped or assaulted 100 more times.

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Massive Child Porn Collection found in Vatican

Police detectives have uncovered one of the largest collections of child pornography ever within the walls of the Vatican. As the Catholic Church continue to suppress evidence of institutional child abuse involving high-ranking officials, detectives recently uncovered “unprecedented” amounts of explicit images and videos of child rape within the Vatican itself. reports: The Vatican … Click Here to Read more

Snorting Cocaine and Gay Orgy right on the False Prophet Francis’ Property!

This info is Midway through a writing at the Daily Beast:

Nosy neighbors are never a good thing. Especially if you are a monsignor hosting orgies and your neighbors are cardinals.

[…]“The fed-up neighbors were simply sick of what they described as a “steady stream of young men” who frequented Ratzinger’s former apartment, which had been given to Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, the secretary for Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, who heads the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, which busies itself with deciphering and clarifying various points of canon law. So they called the cops, in this case the Vatican’s elite Swiss Guard gendarmerie unit, when the noise and movida nightlife just got to be too much.

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Top Advisor to Pope, Cardinal Pell, Charged with Sex Assaults on Young Boys

False Prophet backs him 100% – Global pedophilia rings continue to be exposed

RT – Australia’s highest-ranking Roman Catholic clergyman, Vatican treasurer Cardinal George Pell, has been charged by Australian police over sex allegations from “multiple complainants.”

The Vatican has released a statement of support for Pell, citing his “honesty.”

“Cardinal Pell is facing multiple charges in respect of historic sexual offences,” Victoria state police deputy commissioner Shane Patton told the media in Melbourne on Thursday.

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Catholic priest accused of organizing orgies, pimping out 15 women

Italian 48-year-old allegedly hid pornographic home videos in covers bearing the names of popes

The Independent January 2, 2017
– An Italian priest is being investigated for allegedly organizing orgies in his rectory and pimping out up to 15 lovers.

Catholic Father Andrea Contin, a parish priest in the northern city of Padua in Veneto, is under police investigation on suspicion of living off immoral earnings and psychological violence.

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Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

If you can spare a few dollars, or a bunch of them, please take a few moments and donate here.  Please forgive this Plea, but these are desperate times!