Catholic Leaders in Germany proclaim Homosexuality is as Normal as Heterosexuality

I suppose that is true in the religious world of Catholicism, and is normal in places where the Spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah is dominate!!

Catholic Bishops In Germany Declares Homosexuality “Normal”

Activist Mommy – A gathering of Roman Catholic bishops in Germany issued a shocking opinion earlier this month stating that  homosexuality is a “normal form of sexual predisposition.”

According to LifeSite, The Commission for Marriage and Family of the German Bishops’ Conference published a press release outlining the results of an “expert consultation on the topic ‘The sexuality of man: how to discuss it scientifically-theologically, and how to assess it ecclesiastically?’”

The consultation took place in Berlin and included a panel of bishops, sexologists, moral theologians, dogmatic theologians, and canon lawyers. The press release states that these “experts” agreed that “human sexuality encompasses a dimension of lust, of procreation, and of relationships.”

The panel also declared that homosexuality is as “normal” as heterosexuality and that neither sexual attraction should be changed.

“There was also agreement that the sexual preference of man expresses itself in puberty and assumes a hetero- or homosexual orientation,” the statement reads, translated from German. “Both belong to the normal forms of sexual predisposition, which cannot or should be changed with the help of a specific socialization.”

Since homosexuality is, in their estimation, perfectly normal, “any form of discrimination of those persons with a homosexual orientation has to be rejected,” the statement continues, claiming that such been demanded for “quite some time” by the teaching office of the Church and was “explicitly stressed by Pope Francis” in the Amoris Laetitia, a guidance on pastoral ministry to families.

The Commission also relaxed its understanding of church teaching on divorce and remarriage. Archbishop Heiner Koch of Berlin, the head of the Commission for the Family, and Bishop Franz-Joseph Bode of Osnabrück pointed to the Amoris Laetitia, claiming that it teaches “a sexual relationship after a divorce and remarriage is no longer generally assessed as being a grave sin, and, subsequently, a general exclusion from the reception of the Eucharist is not foreseen.”

The committee was not completely unanimous on every issue, however, including “whether the magisterial ban on practiced homosexuality is still up to date” or whether or not both married and unmarried couples should be allowed to use artificial contraceptives.

LifeSite, however, points out that the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church unequivocally denounces homosexual acts as “instrinsically disordered” and “contrary to the natural law” (CCC 2357).

“They close the sexual act to the gift of life,” the catechesis continues. “They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity… Under no circumstances can they be approved.”

The catechesis does, however, state that those suffering from unwanted homosexual desires should not be treated unkindly:

The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition (CCC 2358)

Nevertheless, the catechism declares that “homosexual persons are called to chastity,” a far cry from the normalization sought by the German bishops.

This is merely the latest ripple of what Lifesite calls “widespread rebellion in the Catholic Church in Germany against the perennial doctrine of the Church on sexual matters.”

LifeSite reports:

The German Bishops Conference’s insistence on holding its own synod, or “synodal path,” without Vatican permission, has more traditional German Catholics worried.

Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, a president emeritus of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, has warned that proceeding down this  path — one that  questions the Church’s teachings on the celibate, male priesthood; homosexuality; and marriage — could lead to a “national church” without “nearly any ties to Rome.” The dubia cardinal stated that this would be “certainly be the surest path into the final decline” of the German Church.

As we’ve lamented in the past, theological liberalism breeds social liberalism, and social liberalism breeds open and flagrant debauchery.

If conservatives within the Catholic Church do not stand against the erosion of the time-honored values of God’s design for sexuality, how long will it be before the institution goes the way of virtually every other church that has embraced homosexuality? Source

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