Demonic Catholic News Alert March 20, 2019

Ex-N.J. priest accused of sex abuse found shot to death in Nevada home

A former New Jersey priest who had been “credibly accused” of sexually abusing minors was found dead in his Nevada home, and police are treating it as a homicide.

The body of John Capparelli was found Saturday morning by police conducting a welfare check at his home in Henderson, about 15 miles south of Las Vegas.

The Clark County Coroner’s Office said Capparelli, 70, died from a single gunshot wound to the neck. His body was found in the kitchen, a spokesperson said.

Police said they did not have a suspect at this time. Read more here

Pope Francis Hammered by Indian Nuns for Ignoring Predator Priest Cover-up

The sisters claim that Pope Francis is offering lip service but little else regarding culture of abuse

Pope Francis has recently re-branded himself as a reformer and healer who cares about addressing the injustices perpetrated by his priests, but a group of Indian nuns are calling out Francis for his hypocrisy and inaction.

“Pope Francis gives some hope, but nothing is percolating down,” said Holy Spirit Sr. Julie George, who was one of 75 Indian Catholic leaders who signed a “letter of concern” that was sent to all bishops and major superiors in India back in February 2016.

The letter ripped the lip off of the culture of sexual violence by Indian priests, where Bishop Franco Mulakkal of Jullundur allegedly raped a former superior general of a Catholic religious congregation. Despite the hoopla, Pope Francis never acknowledged the problem and has not lifted a finger to clean up the culture or bring the offenders to justice.

The Save Our Sisters Action Council has worked with the Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace and other Indian whistle-blower groups demanding accountability, but they have been ignored by Indian church leaders who have publicly sided with the bishop accused of rape. Church officials have even publicly slandered the supposed victim by inventing a conspiracy theory about an extortion plot. Read more here

Poland’s Catholic Church Admits Over 380 Children Have Been Sexually Abused By Clergy Since 1990

The Catholic Church in Poland has admitted that more than 380 children have been sexually abused by clergy members since 1990.

During a Warsaw press conference Church leaders revealed that 382 priests had sexually abused children, with cases starting in 1990 to the middle of 2018.

Activists say that the real figure is likely much higher.

The news follows investigations into the widespread sexual abuse of minors by pedophile priests across the world, that have shaken the Roman Catholic Church to its foundations.

The Mail Online reports: Archbishop Wojciech Polak, the primate of Poland, expressed ‘pain, shame and the sense of guilt that such situations happened.’

The shocking figures include 198 priests who abused minors under 15 years old and 184 priests who abused those aged between 15 and 18, according to Wojciech Sadlon, the head of the church’s Institute of Statistics.

The figures were released following a three-day session of Poland’s Episcopate in Warsaw that discussed abuse and ways of protecting children.

‘This is an especially painful, tragic issue as it is connected with consecrated people, who devoted themselve to serving the church, other human beings. They have social trust and this social trust was so tragically violated,’ Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski said at a news conference.

Polish bishops last year asked victims of past clerical abuse for forgiveness and began collecting data to ‘identify the causes of these deeds and assess their scale’.

Last month the Polish charity ‘Have no fear’, which supports abuse victims, delivered its own report to Pope Francis in which it calculated – purely on the basis of media reports collated since the mid-1950s – that at least 384 minors had been sexually abused by clergy in Poland.

Activists say the real figure is probably much greater. Read more here

The Pope’s Complicit Behavior after The Summit is Outraging Catholics Worldwide

Nothing has changed in the Vatican since the clergy abuse summit of last month and things are actually getting worse. I’d like to begin with Argentine Bishop Gustavo Oscar Zanchetta, who is currently under investigation by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith following allegations of sexual coercion and misconduct involving seminarians. Zanchetta is currently on a leave of absence from his position at the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (ASPA) but while under investigation he attended the retreat in Casa del Divine Maestro in Ariccia, which took place March 10-15. The pontiff’s inclusion of Bishop Zanchetta raised immediate controversy within the Catholic Church, but Pope Francis ignored the critics arguing that he is serious about eradicating sexual abuse within the Church.

Bishop of Orán resigned in August 2017, but was appointed by Pope Francis himself in December 2017, to a position within the APSA which oversees the Vatican’s assets and real estate holdings, probably one of the most important positions in the Vatican.  The pope apparently knew about allegations of misconduct regarding Zanchetta since 2015, after pedo-pornographic photographs were found on his mobile phone, but Francis is said to have  accepted Zanchetta’s improbable excuse that his mobile phone had been hacked, and dismissed the allegations as false. The pontiff then proceeded to give the bishop a leading position in the Vatican two years later.

There is yet another case that demonstrates the complete collusion of this pope with the pedophile lobby, and it regards Philippe Barbarin, the French Roman Catholic cardinal convicted this month of failing to report sexual abuse allegations, who said on Tuesday that Pope Francis has turned down his offer to resign. “On Monday morning, I put forward my resignation to the hands of the Holy Father. Invoking the presumption of innocence, he declined to accept this resignation,” said Barbarin in a statement sent by France’s Lyon Catholic Church. Barbarin is appealing the verdict against him. On March 7, he was convicted by a French court of failing to report allegations of sexual abuse of boy scouts that took place in his diocese in the 1980s and early 1990s. The priest who committed the abuse, Father Bernard Preynat, will go on trial later this year. Barbarin, 68, has been Archbishop of Lyon since 2002 and was once even tipped as a possible future pope.  Read more here

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!