Demonic Catholic News Alert November 19, 2018

Pope decries that ‘wealthy few’ feast on what belongs to all

If you did not think this Bastard (Hebrews 12:8) is a socialist, this should remove any doubt!

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Championing the cause of the poor, Pope Francis on Sunday lamented that “the wealthy few” enjoy what, “in justice, belongs to all” and said Christians cannot remain indifferent to the growing cries of the exploited and the indigent, including migrants.

Francis invited about 6,000 poor people as well as some of the volunteers who help them to the splendor of St. Peter’s Basilica where he celebrated Mass on a day the Catholic Church dedicates to the needy. Later, he sat down with 1,500 of the indigent for a lunch of lasagna, chicken, mashed potatoes and tiramisu in a Vatican auditorium.

In his homily, Francis said “we Christians cannot stand with arms folded in indifference or with arms outstretched in helplessness” about those in need. He cited the “stifled cry” of the unborn, of starving children, “of young people more used to the explosion of bombs than happy shouts at the playground.”

He also drew attention to the plight of abandoned elderly, the friendless and “the cry of all those forced to flee their homes and native land for an uncertain future. It is the cry of entire peoples, deprived even of the great natural resources at their disposal.”

Francis said the poor were weeping “while the wealthy few feast on what, in justice, belongs to all. Injustice is the perverse root of poverty.” Read more here

Bypass the Pope By Going Directly to The Savior

There’s an increasingly perceivable-Li’l Abner Joe Btfsplk-like black cloud hovering over the heads of the faithful during the ongoing crisis in the Catholic Church.

People are said to be leaving the Church in droves. The Bishop of Rome has slammed the door shut on all criticism of the dominance of homosexuality in a clergy increasingly in league with the devil.

Most scandalously homosexual priests seem to be favored by the Vatican while devoted, traditional, stick-to-the-Gospel parish priests are being thrown to the wolves or smothered in an unrelenting bureaucracy that sees little or no merit in priests intent on putting the Gospel of Christ before Global Warming and Social justice in their homilies.

Indeed, there’s a black cloud hovering over the heads of the faithful that even follows them to Mass.

Not as visible is the even bigger black cloud hovering over the haughty head of Jorges Mario Bergoglio, the Argentine politician with Vatican citizenship, masquerading as Pope Francis.

The black cloud following the current Bishop of Rome originates with the countless number of Catholics choosing to go over the Pope’s head, directly to Jesus Christ.

And while Francis uses his power to block all questions and criticism, it is well nigh impossible for him to stop the faithful from going over his head to Jesus, to Whom they are wired.

The news sites and bloggers now calling out Francis for abandoning his flock are numerous.

But the worst thing about Francis is that he seems to be abandoning our Savior.

It will not be the faithful or even the many abused by clerics who will get to judge this wayward, pontiff, any other pontiff, or for that matter, a pastor of any other denomination.

The words of The Apostles Creed prayed at every Mass throughout the world:”On the third day, He arose from the dead and ascended into Heaven. He is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From there He shall come to judge the living and the dead.”

Strong, enduring words that seem to have gone right over the head of Pope Francis.

While so many of us moan and groan about what is happening in the Catholic Church, the devil is doing delighted somersaults right over the altar.

The devil wants us to believe that all is lost and that there is nowhere to turn.

The devil wants all souls plunged into a deep and dark despair from which there is no return.

Pray to St. Michael the Archangel to have “Cast into Hell, the devil and all evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls”.

The Lavender Mafia may have predated the March 13, 2013 election of Pope Francis, but his arrival—perhaps even masterminded by it—has accelerated under his watch: Read more here

Catholic Church helping to Smuggle Illegal Invading Aliens into America!

From Time:

“The Rev.  Miguel Angel Soto,  director of the Casa de Migrante ­ House of the Migrant ­ in the Sinaloa capital of Culiacan,  said about 2,000 migrants had arrived in that area. He said the state government,  the Roman Catholic Church and Escuinapa officials were helping the migrants.”

“The priest also said the church had been  able to get “good people” to provide buses for moving migrants northward.  He said so far  24 buses had left Escuinapa, Sinaloa, on an eight-drive to Navojoa in Sonora state. Small groups  were reported in the northern cities of Saltillo and Monterrey, in the region near Texas.” Read more here

Notre Dame President Says Cardinal McCarrick Not A ‘Monster.’ Student Publicly Rebukes Him

Last week, Notre Dame president Father John Jenkins said that it is “deeply problematic” for people to turn men like Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who recently resigned amid sexual abuse allegations, into “monsters.” In response, a student of the university’s law school penned a letter publicly rebuking Jenkins.

“There’s a tendency, and I don’t think it’s a helpful tendency in this kind of situation, to turn the perpetrators into monsters,” Jenkins recently told Crux in an interview. “[The tendency is] just to imagine that they are thoroughly corrupt people, but the problem is that it’s not true. It’s a part of their lives that is deeply problematic, but another part that is not. And that’s why it’s so hard to identify the problem, and sometimes, that person doesn’t seem to see the problem.”

Cardinal McCarrick is alleged to have sexually abused minors as well as seminarians who were under his care in the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey. He went on to become one of the most powerful cardinals in the United States, and one who persistently abused his authority to push left-wing causes. At one point, he concealed a letter from Cardinal Ratzinger that forbade prelates from giving Holy Communion to pro-abort politicians.

In a letter to the editor of the Notre Dame Observer, ND law student Deion Kathawa asserted that Father Jenkins is essentially guilty of trying to bring complexity to a situation that requires none, LifeSiteNews notes. Read more here

Catholic Priest Paraded Through Town In Convertible Porsche Pulled By Children

A newly appointed parish priest has come under fire for allowing 50 children to pull him through the streets of a Maltese town in a convertible Porsche 

A spokesman for the Catholic Church said: “It was a tradition in certain Gozitan villages for the new parish priest to be paraded through the streets of the parish in a vehicle that was often pulled by the locality’s children”

RT reports: Fr John Sultana, who this week was named the new parish priest for Gozitan community, Malta, was honored with a traditional parade by local followers. However, the pastor’s use of a rather luxurious vehicle and manner in which he was heralded into his new role has drawn widespread criticism. Read more here

Father cuts off priest’s penis after he was accused of sexually abusing his nine-year-old daughter

A FURIOUS father partially castrated a preacher he believed raped his nine-year-old daughter in South Africa, it is alleged.

Preacher Mase Malgas, 66, died after being attacked on September 30, a court was told.

The Daily Dispatch report that Preacher Mase Malgas was based at St Philips Church in Gompo, when this shocking incident – which lead to the 66-year-old’s death – occurred on 30 September.

East London castration trial – what we know so far:

The emotionally-charged case saw the dad, who cannot be named as it will reveal his daughter’s identity, sent to jail ahead of the resumption of this trial – one which is likely to draw national attention and stir the debate about crime, punishment and vigilante justice.

Constable Lundi Nqwelo was giving evidence to the court, on behalf of the state’s prosecution case. He described the night of the attack, where the defendant was told by his ex-wife that their young daughter had been raped by Malgas.

He took her word for it and tracked down the location of the preacher. A friend and his ex-wife were also in his company for this “revenge mission”. They stormed into their victim’s home and the accused began to severely assault Malgas. In the midst of the brutality, the man on trial began to cut the preacher’s penis.

Although he didn’t complete a full castration, the defendant had left the holy man with “grievous” bodily wounds. After they had badly-beaten Malgas, they took him to the Scenery Park Police Station, hoping to have him arrested.

However, officers in East London had to deal with the life-threatening condition Malgas was reduced to. They called for medical assistance, but he died in hospital. Source

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!