Demonic Catholic News June 8, 2019

2,000-year-old marble head of god Dionysus discovered under Rome

Archeologists in Rome have stumbled on a large marble head of Dionysus, also known as Bacchus, the ancient Roman god of wine, dance and fertility.

The discovery was made during excavations in the heart of the city, near the remains of the ancient Roman Forum.

The head would have belonged to a large statue of the god dating back to the imperial era.

The archaeologists were digging around the remains of a medieval wall when they found the marble head, which they believe represents Dionysus, who the Romans knew as Bacchus. Read more here

Catholic Georgetown University Celebrates LGBT Pride Month

Georgetown University, a Catholic University, hosts several pride celebration events each year through its LGBTQ resource center.

According to a report by The College Fix, the Catholic Georgetown University dedicates a significant amount of resources to LGBT programming. Each year, the university celebrates Pride Month, “Coming Out Month,” and “Gender Liberation Week.” Some Christians have questioned how Georgetown University can reconcile both its emphasis on LGBT rights and its Christian faith.

A page on Georgetown University’s website details the mission of their LGBTQ Resource Center. The center offers a variety of surfaces and programs for the purpose of giving a “voice” to Georgetown community members of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Read more here

Priest begs gays not to leave church over bishop’s tweet

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – A priest is asking parishioners not to leave his church over a tweet by Rhode Island’s bishop urging Roman Catholics to not support or attend LGBTQ Pride Month events.

The Rev. Edward L. Pieroni begged gay and lesbian parishioners not to leave the church during Sunday services at St. Raymond’s Roman Catholic Church in Providence, The Boston Globe reported.

“A lot of people have hung in there, but it’s like, ‘One more slap and we are done.’ I am here to beg you — and I will get on my hands and knees and beg you — not to leave,” Pieroni told the congregation.

Diocese of Providence Bishop Thomas Tobin sparked a backlash beginning Saturday when he tweeted, “A reminder that Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ ‘Pride Month’ events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals. They are especially harmful for children.”

Rhode Island is one of the most heavily Catholic states. Read more here

Pope Francis Authorizes Major Change In ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ Removing ‘Lead Us Not Into Temptation’ Because He Doesn’t Understand What It Means

Pope Francis has approved the revised translation of the missal for Italy and includes changes to the Lord’s Prayer and Gloria. According to the new translation, the Lord’s Prayer will no longer say “and lead us not into temptation” but will become “do not let us fall/be abandoned into temptation.” The Gloria will also be revised. “Peace on earth to people of good will” will become “Peace on Earth to people beloved by God.”

According to the new translation, the Lord’s Prayer will no longer say “and lead us not into temptation” but will become “do not let us fall/be abandoned into temptation.”

First of all, this ‘breaking news’ is really more of a non-starter, Pope Francis did not “change the Bible’ for he has no power to do that. What he changed was the Italian Missal which is not Bible and is only used in the Roman Catholic mass, so it’s not even Christian it’s Catholic. Pope Francis changed the wording in The Lord’s Prayer from “And lead us not into temptation” into the meaningless “do not let us fall/be abandoned into temptation.” Why would he do this? Well, for one, Francis has no understanding of the Bible in either Testament, that’s why.

“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” Matthew 6:9-13 (KJV)

The places in the Bible where the Lord’s Prayer appears – Matthew 6, Luke 11, – are listed in the New Testament geographically but doctrinally are still Old Testament. Hebrews 9 tells us that a ‘testament in not in force’ until the ‘death of the testator’, right? So doctrinally, it is not the New Testament until Jesus dies on the cross. So who was Jesus talking to in Matthew 6 and Luke 11? Old Testament Jews under the Law of Moses, that’s who. If you will take a moment and read Solomon’s amazing prayer in 1 Kings 8, you will come away with a fresh understanding of ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ listed in the gospels. Here’s just a small sample to whet your biblical whistle, the similarities jump out instantly: Read more here

US Catholic Church reports big rise in sex-abuse allegations

NEW YORK (AP) — Quantifying its vast sex-abuse crisis, the U.S. Roman Catholic Church said Friday that allegations of child sex abuse by clerics more than doubled in its latest 12-month reporting period, and that its spending on victim compensation and child protection surged above $300 million.

During the period from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018, 1,385 adults came forward with 1,455 allegations of abuse, according to the annual report of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection. That was up from 693 allegations in the previous year. The report attributed much of the increase to a victim compensation program implemented in five dioceses in New York state.

According to the report, Catholic dioceses and religious orders spent $301.6 million during the reporting period on payments to victims, legal fees and child-protection efforts. That was up 14% from the previous year and double the amount spent in the 2014 fiscal year.

The number of allegations is likely to rise further during the current fiscal year, given that Catholic dioceses in New Jersey and Pennsylvania have started large compensation programs in the wake of a scathing Pennsylvania grand jury report released in August. The grand jury identified more than 300 priests in six of the state’s dioceses who have been credibly accused of child sexual abuse committed over many decades.

Since then, attorneys general in numerous states have set up abuse hotlines and launched investigations, and a growing number of dioceses and Catholic religious orders have released names of priests accused of abuse.

“Victims are coming forward now because of real progress by secular authorities,” said the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. “Lawmakers are increasingly getting rid of archaic, predator-friendly laws and 16 attorneys general have launched investigations, so many victims are feeling hopeful.” Read more here

Drunk Catholic School Principal Arrested at Strip Club During DC Field Trip

Michael Comeau stands down after being picked up by police for ‘refusing to pay his bill’

A Catholic school principal has resigned after he was arrested at a strip club near the White House while he was meant to be chaperoning a Washington DC field trip, according to reports. 

47-year-old Michael Comeau, then-principal of the Holy Family Catholic School in Louisiana, was picked up by police outside Archibald’s Gentleman’s Club early Friday morning. 

Officers were responding to a call about an “intoxicated” patron who was “refusing to pay his bill,” WAFB-TV reported. 

The disgraced educator ditched the hotel where his seventh and eighth-grade students were staying in favor of a boozy night of adult entertainment. Read more here

Pedophile Pell may win his Appeal

Cardinal George Pell arrived at the Supreme Court of Victoria yesterday, June 06, 2019, in Melbourne, Australia to appeal his six-year prison sentence on charges of sexual abuse. Pell, who turns 78 this weekend, was present in court looking like he had just returned from a spa, not prison.

Yesterday, the lead prosecutor who sustained the conviction of Cardinal George Pell, suddenly had issues presenting the Crown’s case. Christopher Boyce seemed to struggle in answering certain questions from the three-judge appeal court, even naming by mistake the alleged victim during a live stream of the proceedings.  Boyce, who seemed under great pressure by the Vatican, repeatedly found himself either struggling to articulate his own argument, or at a loss for words under judicial questioning, at one point conceding that “It’s not good enough for me to say what I said before,” and that, “rehearsing the platitudes may not be all that helpful.”

The prosecutor told the court that the witness, who he accidentally named despite his identity being suppressed by the court, has shown he was familiar with the layout and interior of the sacristy of Melbourne’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral, including renovation work underway at the time of the alleged offences. The alleged victim was a choir member at the cathedral, and his understanding of the interior was not disputed by the defense, who instead pointed to key witness evidence from Monsignor Charles Portelli, the former master of liturgical ceremonies at the cathedral, who testified that Pell greeted congregants at the west door of the cathedral after Mass, and was in his constant company while vested. So Cardinal Pell now has an alibi.

Under questioning from the judges led by Court President Justice Chris Maxwell, who was obviously working for the Jesuits, Boyce struggled to account for what the judge called the “wildly improbable”circumstances of Pell’s alleged crimes. So incredible as it sounds, Cardinal Pell might have his freedom back soon. Read more here

5 Catholic priests charged in Michigan sex abuse investigation

As part of the state’s investigation into sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced Friday criminal sexual conduct charges against five priests in Michigan. 

“Some of these clergy … preyed on young children,” Nessel said at a news conference about the men who were priests at the time of the alleged abuse. She said the five cases were the “tip of the iceberg” as investigators continue to track down hundreds of tips on abuse by Catholic priests. 

In some of the incidents, the priests mixed their sexual activity with references to Catholic beliefs or committed the acts during Catholic rituals such as confession, according to allegations in affidavits.

In other cases, the priests plied children with drugs such as cocaine, marijuana and alcohol before sexually assaulting them, allege prosecutors and police. In one case, a priest is accused of threatening to kill his victim if the boy reported the abuse.

Deputy Solicitor General Ann Sherman, who is helping with the investigations, said that some Catholic Church officials have alarming views on sexual abuse of children.

“I am deeply disturbed by what we have discovered,” Sherman said at the news conference. “I’m also disturbed by some attitudes of some of the hierarchy in the church … who demonstrated a serious misunderstanding of sexual assault.”

In one case, a priest “explained that this child victim needed to simply admit that he teased, enticed, or gave permission for the abuse to occur,” Sherman said. “This attitude is horrific. Sexual abuse is never the fault of the victim and it certainly can never be that sexual abuse of a child is a child’s fault.”

Nessel urged people who are victims or may have information about abuse to contact them. She was joined by several attorneys on her staff pursuing justice for victims and also an abuse victim, Andy Russell, who urged victims to come forward. See the names of the Perverts here

Pope issues new warning against fake news

Vatican City (AFP) – Pope Francis on Saturday urged journalists to desist from publishing fake news, saying it could cause harm, and instead “take time to understand” issues before reporting on them.

Receiving foreign journalists in the Vatican, the pontiff also urged journalists to remain “humble” saying humility “prevents the rotten flow of disinformation and offers the good bread of truth.”

Pope Francis said humility was of great importance as it implies consciousness “that through an article, a tweet, a live broadcast either televised or on radio can do good, but also if one is not attentive and scrupulous, harm.”

He also said journalists must be very careful of their choice of words in an era of “hostile language” proliferating everywhere, especially on social media.

“Everyone knows how the search for truth is difficult and demands humility,” he said.

He also asked the press to speak of “wars forgotten by society.

“Who still talks of the Rohingyas?” he said. “Who still speaks of the Yazidis? They are forgotten and they continue to suffer.” Read more here

Vatican outraged that anti-immigration leader commends Italy to Mary

In a rally on Saturday, Salvini kissed his rosary, looked up to statue of the Blessed Virgin atop the 14th-century Milan Cathedral and said on behalf of the Italian people, “I entrust Italy, my life, and your lives to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who I’m sure will bring us to victory.” He said, “I am the last among good Christians, but I am proud to always have a rosary in my pocket.”

That Vatican leaders should oppose Salvini is telling. Apparently they support the 500 undocumented African migrants that stormed and seized Terminal 2 of the Charles de Gaulle airport on Tuesday, and shouted, “France does not belong to the French.”

Francis’ globalist push for a centralized world government with open borders is unfortunately fueling the increasing insurgent attacks we have seen throughout Europe in recent months. As pope he should scrap his political aspirations and join Salvini in his noble attempt to protect Italy from evil. The fact that he doesn’t support Salvini raises serious questions about his pontificate and calls to mind Christ’s words: “He that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 10:33) Read more here

Detective Fired after Catching Predator Pedophile Priest

SAGINAW, Mich. ( – Saginaw county’s most highly decorated police officer, with more than 35 years of experience and 50 letters of commendation in his file, was abruptly fired in the wake of his investigation that put Saginaw’s popular priest Fr. Robert DeLand in jail.

Cradle Catholic Detective Brian Berg, who spearheaded the four-month covert operation leading to DeLand’s arrest and conviction, is now unemployed ever since he was unexpectedly fired last October by Saginaw’s police chief, Dennis Green.

Berg sat down with Church Militant to explain what happened the morning of Oct. 17.

“I was called in out of the blue. … The chief said, ‘I want to see you,'” recounts Berg. The chief, according to Berg, then curtly told him, “You’re done. You’re fired.”

“I asked why,” recalls Berg, and the chief’s response was simply, “We’re told we don’t have to give you a reason.” Read more here

Catholics in Tennessee line up to Worship a Dead Mans Heart! They Kneel and Pray to a Relic! 

Catholics in Tennessee are lining up to see Saint Jean Vianney’s heart

Catholics lined up Wednesday to see a relic of a 19th century French priest.

The heart of St. Jean Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests, is traveling the country and made a one-day stop at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nashville. 

After the morning Mass wrapped up, churchgoers stood single file in the center aisle waiting to take in the small, dark object nestled in an ornate, gold case. The relic is considered to be the physical, incorrupted heart of Vianney, who died Aug. 4, 1859.

The faithful took turns quietly kneeling before the relic under the watchful eye of a member of the Knights of Columbus. The fraternal Catholic organization is not only sponsoring the relic’s seven-month tour of the U.S., but guarding it while on public display.

“Something like this is just shy of once in a lifetime,” said the Rev. Edward Steiner, pastor of the Nashville cathedral. 

The Catholics who approached the relic are not worshiping it, Steiner said, but venerating it. 

“We’re giving it honor because of what it represents,” Steiner said. “Paying attention to that object, that relic, is to propel us beyond it … to venerate it is to propel us beyond the object to Christ himself.”

On Thursday, the relic heads to Knoxville. It will be on display for the day at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Read more here

See Who is a Saint?  and an extensive writing I did in April 2019 about this Idiocy and Idolatry!  Catholic Priest’s 150-Year-Old Heart is being Worshiped in NYC!

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!