False Prophet continues his Pro-Muslim Immigration Crusade

If he is so keen on letting the Muslims in and mixing the Culture, why doesn’t he tear down his walls and let them take over Vatican City?? One day very soon the faithful will have to remove their shoes and pray 5 times a day on prayer rugs in their black mass! Bare Naked … Click Here to Read more

Catholic Priest’s 150-Year-Old Heart is being Worshiped in NYC!

Luke 4:5-8 “And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I … Click Here to Read more

Demonic Catholic News Alert April 6, 2019

Morocco: Pope Francis to visit imam training institute to boost moderate Islam Jihad Watch – When is the Pope going to boost Christianity? I guess he feels no need to do so, as he is already a moderate Christian NOT A CHRISTIAN! And if this school to train moderate imams is so successful, why do … Click Here to Read more

Pope Orders Moroccan Catholics NOT to Proselytize Muslims

That is the BEST news for Moroccan Muslims that he could have announced! Now the poor lost souls of the Muslims will have a chance to hear the True Gospel — from a True Christian — and not be indoctrinated into another FALSE RELIGION! He is NOT concerned about anyone’s Soul. He is concerned about … Click Here to Read more

What do Walls, Muslims and the False Prophet have in Common?

A Lesson for Pope Francis on Walls and Muslims Raymond Ibrahim | PJ Media – “I appeal not to create walls but to build bridges” has long been Pope Francis’s mantra. Most recently, when asked last Sunday “a question about migration in general and about U.S. President Donald Trump’s threat to shut down the southern … Click Here to Read more

False Prophet meets with Muslim King in Morocco: Declares Jerusalem should Never Belong Solely to the Jews!

DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Pope Francis Meets With Muslim King In Morocco And Declares That Jerusalem Should Never Belong Solely To The Jews NTEB – Pope Francis and Moroccan King Mohammed VI called on Saturday for Jerusalem to be preserved as a symbol of peaceful coexistence where Jews, Muslims and Christians can be allowed to worship … Click Here to Read more

Pope goes to Morocco to Promote Catholislam

Morocco: Pope Francis to visit imam training institute to boost moderate Islam Jihad Watch – When is the Pope going to boost Christianity? I guess he feels no need to do so, as he is already a moderate Christian NOT A CHRISTIAN! And if this school to train moderate imams is so successful, why do … Click Here to Read more

Illinois is a Stronghold for Pedophile Catholic Priests: Almost 400 of those BASTARDS accused of Child Rape

Nearly 400 Catholic priests in Illinois have been accused of sexual abuse towards children and others, according to a 182-page report. News Punch – Attorneys at the Minnesota-based law firm Jeff Anderson and Associates claim church officials have only informed congregants of a tiny fraction of those who have faced allegations. USA Today reports: “The … Click Here to Read more

Demonic Catholic News Alert March 20, 2019

Ex-N.J. priest accused of sex abuse found shot to death in Nevada home A former New Jersey priest who had been “credibly accused” of sexually abusing minors was found dead in his Nevada home, and police are treating it as a homicide. The body of John Capparelli was found Saturday morning by police conducting a … Click Here to Read more

Demonic Catholic News Alert March 11, 2019

Catholic Church: Raping Children Is Religious Freedom For Pedophile Priests In a depraved and disturbing statement by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, a high-ranking cleric from the Catholic Church, he claimed that pedophilia is granted by God for priests.The vile comment was made by Cardinal Timothy Dolan after being found to have transferred church finances into … Click Here to Read more

Vatican blesses Drug used to Halt Puberty in Children

What is the difference between Men and Boys? Not the price of their Toys any longer! I suppose the Perverts overseeing young boys what to keep them that way for as long as possible. If this drug halts them from growing up, then the Pedophiles can have an endless supply of victims and won’t have … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

If you can spare a few dollars, or a bunch of them, please take a few moments and donate here.  Please forgive this Plea, but these are desperate times!