Vatican has Paid out nearly 4 BILLION Dollars to Cover Up for Pedophile Priests!

The Vatican has quietly paid out nearly $4 billion in compensation to victims of child sexual abuse, according to a shocking new investigation. Yep, you can shut the mouths of some people with a big pay off. If that does not work you threaten them with death! That money would have gone far to feed … Click Here to Read more

Muslims seeking Exorcisms from Catholic Priests to Battle against the Devil and Witchcraft

Let me make a statement right off the bat. If Catholicism is this great church of God and according to them is the only way to be saved, Why are so many Catholics becoming Demon Possessed? Read that here. You would think that everyone would flock to the church for protection! Only problem is Satan … Click Here to Read more

Pope Francis says it is Dangerous and Harmful to have a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

Yes the False Prophet did say it. Blind Cult members try and spin his words trying to hypnotize stupid idol worshipers! July 2017 – At times one hears someone say: “I believe in God, I believe in Jesus, but I don’t care about the Church…”. How many times have we heard this? And this is … Click Here to Read more

Teen goes Undercover to Expose a Pedophile Priest

This is what needs to happen not only to the Perverts across ALL religions, but stings against ALL perverts and Politicians! MLive – A teenager testified in court he reluctantly agreed to go undercover to gather evidence against a Roman Catholic priest as he didn’t want others to be harassed by him. Two preliminary examinations for … Click Here to Read more

False Prophet tells Boy his Atheist Father is in Heaven!

Counsels Him to ‘Pray’ to His Dad! If this heresy and false doctrine does not convince Catholics that they are in a Satanic Cult I don’t know what will. If Atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, ALL people go to heaven for just being good, then their was NO need for God to give his Son Jesus as … Click Here to Read more

250 Girly Man Priests arrive in Rome for Vatican Exorcism course

Described as only international series of lectures of its kind What will they “lecture” about? How to make sure that the demons are secure in the person and how to subdue them just enough so they won’t be detected and cast out! That of course will be done if there is time left from their … Click Here to Read more

There is a Major Drop in U.S. Catholic Church Attendance Under Pope Francis

And I pray I have a small part in that drop and will continue to expose the Pagan Religion and this hound of Hell, who is an anti-Christ and false prophet!!! There are a lot of these Catholics that are leaving the church because it is a dead Mausoleum! Many are becoming Atheists, Agnostics because … Click Here to Read more

How can God’s holy man make “Grave Errors”?

Pope admits he made ‘grave errors’ in Chile sex abuse scandal No wait just a minute here. I thought the Pope was supposed to be the absolute most infallible person here on earth that IS supposed to be close to God and in direct contact with Him.  So how could his holiness make not just … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

If you can spare a few dollars, or a bunch of them, please take a few moments and donate here.  Please forgive this Plea, but these are desperate times!