Pope gives the Devil his due? NOT

I saw the headline in my daily news gathering  “After ‘no hell’ report, Pope gives the devil his due“. That sparked to mind Charlie Daniels song “The Devil went down to Georgia”. Now, Me, being Me……, well I just could not resist and the Bad Jon has manifested for this humorous TRUTH about his holiness! … Click Here to Read more

Eastern Orthodox Church Patriarchate Excommunicates Pope Francis for Heresy

This Devil is no better than the Heretic Pope! Satan can’t cast out Satan! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOAeFYX5eds&feature=youtu.be February 14th, 2018 Ash Wednesday Francis Bergoglio, a Jesuit, has been admonished, warned several times to distance himself from heresies. However, he obstinately rejects any repentance. He continues to cause extreme offense not only to the believers of the Roman … Click Here to Read more

False Prophet says: Christians Should Feel Shame for Global Strife

It is not the Muslims fault. It is not the Hindus fault or any other major “religion”. No, it is those who identify with Christianity. Why does he constantly defend the enemies of GOD? There will be NO PEACE until the second coming of Jesus Christ when he will throw the anti-Christ and THIS False … Click Here to Read more

Blaspheme of the Highest Order from a Jesuit

Holy Cross Theology Professor says Jesus was a ‘Drag King’ with ‘Queer Desires’ These Jesuits including the Pope are showing their true colors! Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D | Breitbart News – The theology program at the Jesuit-run College of the Holy Cross has taken on a new tone ever since the school appointed a gender-obsessed … Click Here to Read more

Pope Insinuates God is a Liar and His Holy Word is a Lie: Says “Hell does not Exist”! Condemned Souls just “Disappear”

Danger Will Robinson! Warning, Warning!  Matthew 25:46 ” And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.” Did Social Justice-boosting Pope Francis really say in an interview with atheist Eugenio Scalfari that Hell does not exist in a story that went viral on, of all days, Holy Thursday? We don’t … Click Here to Read more

Palm Sunday in Cuba

Dozens of Women Beaten, Arrested for Practicing Christianity Catholicism Maybe the Communists know they worship Idols! Matthew 15:8-9 “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” … Click Here to Read more

Multiple Articles about the False Whore of Babylon Religion

Vatican Cracks Down on Critics of “Dictator” Pope Francis The Vatican has taken new measures to punish critics of Pope Francis in a move that seems to belie the pope’s earlier calls for greater dialogue and debate within the Church. On Thursday, the Rome-based Sovereign Order of Malta, which reports directly to the Holy See, … Click Here to Read more

False Prophet backs up the Obama and Soros Brown Shirt Brigade!

On Palm Sunday the Spawn of Satan opened his Demonic Communist Mouth at his Synagogue of Satan the Vatican,  to praise the rebellion of thousands of young people around the world. There were not just people in America protesting Guns and demanding Gun Confiscation. There were protests were all around the world: March for our … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

If you can spare a few dollars, or a bunch of them, please take a few moments and donate here.  Please forgive this Plea, but these are desperate times!