“Rosary on the Borders” December 12 to Protect America from Islamic Terrorism?

N O T! All a bunch of Catholics rubbing on beads and chanting a mantra to lucifer will do is bring in more Muslims and strengthen the fallen angel over this country!

What is the Rosary? Listen here. See written FACTS here.

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Now about the Beads and the Chanting. See written FACTS here.

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And Chanting Hail Mary over and Over. See written FACTS here.

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Canada Free Press – There will be a mass Rosary service throughout the United States on December 12, titled, “ Rosary on the Coasts and Borders.” The intention of the Rosary will be “to ask Our Lady to save the U.S.A. from Islamic jihad, from the denial of the Christian Faith, and for an end of abortion.”

According to Patricia Lemmon, who is an organizer for the event, the Rosary crusade is inspired “100 percent” by the Rosary on the Borders in Poland, which took place in October this year.

“I am in constant admiration of Poland,” Patricia Lemmon told Life Site News. “Over and over again, [the Poles] show their allegiance to reality. Their pro-life laws and initiatives encouraging families to have children, supporting families when a Down syndrome child is expected, welcoming Christian refugees but barring (jihadist) incomers, these are a beacon of intelligence coupled with goodness in the midst of so much truly dark news out of dying secular western Europe.” (LifeSite News, Dec.1, 2017)

The recent circulation of Monsignor Longhi’s revelation that Pope John Paul II received a supernatural vision of a coming Jihad invasion of Europe seemingly has helped to prompt Catholic America’s move to follow Poland’s lead of October 7, 2017, when over a million Polish Catholics lined their borders in a nationwide Rosary crusade that was aimed at holding off Islamic insurgence. Poland initiated the move, and now Catholic America is following suit, a move which no doubt will encourage other nations to join in.

It appears that the vision of the Polish John Paul along with Poland’s initiative to hold the October 7 Rosary fulfills the prophecy of St. Faustina that “From Poland will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming.” (The Diary of St. Faustina, 1732)

We should consider well that President Trump’s heroic address to Poland on July 6, 2017, may have had something to do with prompting this unprecedented event. Herein he praised the militant Catholic spirit of the Polish people, recounting how they have fearlessly resisted Soviet and Islamic insurgence through the years, and he urged them always to place their Catholic Faith forward and to lock their borders against Islamic insurgence which presently seeks to break into Europe under the guise of “refugee” migration.

The Poles did just that when they lined the country’s 2,000-mile border for the historic “ Rosary at the Borders,” which was perhaps the most courageous and brilliant example of Catholic witness the world has seen since the start of the new millennium.

The event was held on October 7, the Feast of the Holy Rosary, which commemorates the astounding victory of the Christians over the Muslims of the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571, when they attempted to invade and overtake Christian Europe. St. Pope Pius V, under divine inspiration, ordered a nationwide Rosary crusade to hold off the Islamic attack, and the Muslim fleets were miraculously defeated and turned back against all odds. Not only was the battle lost for the Turks, but so were 170 of their galleys and the 33,000 Muslims that were either killed, wounded, or captured, while 12,000 Christian slaves were delivered from their hands.

If Christian America joins in and puts its heart into the upcoming Rosary crusade, the same victory could be ours as well. Because the enemy is now massing on our borders, but with the Rosary we hold in our hands the power of God to lock the enemy out and keep America safe.

This appears at Canada Free Press and is authored by David Martin. He is the former moderator for St. Michaels Radio which is the one radio program of our time specializing in Catholic prophecy. He has also authored numerous articles on the Church and the Papacy which have appeared on various blogs and websites.

David presently resides in Los Angeles, California where for thirty years he has coordinated a Catholic ministry. He is a daily communicant in his parish church and strongly supports Benedict XVI’s aspiration to see the Traditional Latin Mass returned to every Catholic parish of the world.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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