Pope confesses his Homosexuality Bi-Weekly

Leo Zagami  Pope Francis made some unusual revelations in a meeting at the local nunciature with fellow Jesuits in Mozambique earlier this month that are sending shock waves across the planet for their controversial content. The transcript of this very revealing meeting that was published only yesterday by the Jesuit-run journal La Civilta Cattolica will prove once … Click Here to Read more

Pope Announces New Church Leaders from Islamic World

Pro-migration priests gain power in Catholic church News Wars – After being trapped in an elevator due to a power outage, Pope Francis made it to his weekly Angelus prayers. There, he announced 13 new cardinals from the periphery of the church, some of whom have worked with refugees. Pope Francis arrived late for his … Click Here to Read more

Oh those Dirty Catholic Knights: Charges of Racketeering, Fraud, Deception and Theft

Knights Of Columbus, The Powerful Pitbull Of The Roman Catholic Church Now Facing Charges Of ‘Racketeering, Fraud, Deception And Theft’ “It’s been like pulling teeth getting information out of the Knights of Columbus from day one,” Judge Jackson said, according to a transcript of the May 13 hearing. “All that has done to me is … Click Here to Read more

Black Pope says Pope Francis could be Forced to Resign

The Black Pope is the leader of the Jesuits if you did not know!   Article by Leo Zagami – As the Vatican attempts to recover after the shock that George Pell’s appeal on five separate sex abuse counts against minors was rejected on Wednesday, a new controversy by the infamous “Black Pope” is spreading … Click Here to Read more

Demons Manifest in Virgin Mary Statue

A Statue of Virgin Mary Cries in New Mexico Leviticus 26:1 “Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.” Strange Sounds – A … Click Here to Read more

Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests are being Harbored and Protected

By Covert Vatican-Linked Group ‘Opus Bono Sacerdotii’ To Escape Justice Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – Though Catholic leaders deny the church has any official relationship with the group, Opus Bono Sacerdotii successfully forged networks reaching all the way to the Vatican. The Associated Press unraveled the continuing story of Opus Bono in dozens of interviews … Click Here to Read more

Demonic Catholic News August 11, 2019

Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry: Boys raped by priests at ‘satanic parties’ A child abuse inquiry witness has told how he was raped by priests during “satanic” drink-fuelled sex parties. Dave Sharp also described a catalogue of sexual, physical and emotional violence at St Ninian’s in Falkland, Fife, between 1971 and 1975. Mr Sharp, from Glasgow, … Click Here to Read more

Official Jesuit Magazine Proves Catholicism is Kin to Communism

Official Jesuit Magazine ‘America’ Makes The ‘Catholic Case For Communism In Outrageous Article Defending The Murderous Ideology Of Marxism I just came across this after posting the NTEB article. It is NOT surprising (to me at least) because most Catholics are Communist Democrats! There is a Kinship between the two—it is Curse that is handed … Click Here to Read more

Demonic Catholic News July 25, 2019

Kansas launches 74 investigations into Catholic clergy sex abuse The Kansas Bureau of Investigation announced Tuesday that its agents have begun 74 investigations into allegations of Catholic Church clergy sexual abuse. Since February, the agency has received 119 reports of alleged abuse. From these reports, noted the KBI, they initiated 74 different investigations into possible … Click Here to Read more

Paganism Returns to the Old Crystal Cathedral

Thousands Attend Opening Dedication Ceremony Of $134 Million Dollar New Age Catholic Church On Site Of Robert Schuller’s Old Crystal Cathedral “It’s spectacular, phenomenal, more than anything I could have imagined,” said Mary Faley, 56, a teacher in Orange. “Robert Schuller is here in spirit, smiling down on us.” As an example of the cathedral’s … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

If you can spare a few dollars, or a bunch of them, please take a few moments and donate here.  Please forgive this Plea, but these are desperate times!