Queer Escort in Italy Outs Priest known as “Don Euro”. May include up to 60 Gravel Packing Priests!

With so many Catholics being Demon Possessed in Italy, it is no wonder God is making known the Perversion and Iniquity in the Whore of Babylon! Italian Archdiocese Rocked by Scandal: Drugs, Gay Prostitution, Blackmail Devils Advocates Church Militant – An Italian archdiocese is embroiled in scandal as reports are surfacing of a gay priest on … Click Here to Read more

Pope Softens Penance for Pedophile Priests: Punishment? A lifetime of Prayer

LOL. Excuse me, but aren’t men of God supposed to be committed to a “Lifetime of prayer”? After all, that is how we communicate with the Lord. Well, unless you are a Catholic who talks to the priest, who talks to Mary, who then talks to Jesus!  Asinine  is what it is! Who is going … Click Here to Read more

Catholic Hierarchy considers allowing Married Priests in Brazil

Like all the other false doctrine that the Catholics create, it changes with the times and by the whims of man! Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” At the same time Brazil is doing one thing, Here in the Gender Confused good ole US of A, the Catholics … Click Here to Read more

Number of Demon Possessed Catholics UP Three Fold in Italy

As we draw closer to the Tribulation and the revealing of the Anti-Christ, more and more of the demons that inhabit Cult members are manifesting. Like a Bee Hive that is awakening from a winters hibernation, these demonic entities are stirring. They are restless and know their time is drawing short. They have received orders … Click Here to Read more

Catholic Priest calls Pro-Life People the “Lunatic Fringe”! Defends Abortion!

Another devils disciple has come out and is a sign of the path the Catholic church is on. Pretty soon you will see the Vatican ENDORSING ABORTION and Pedophilia! It is a given seeing how it is the agenda of the current Communist pope! Just by looking at this devils face, a True Born Again … Click Here to Read more

Pope Francis Says He Is on ‘Waiting List’ to Become a Saint? NOT!

Well it is going to be a mighty long wait there scooter! The only way a person is a saint is to become “ Born Again” and adhere to the correct True Gospel of Jesus Christ. See who is a saint here. In a meeting with priests, Pope Francis announced that he would canonize Pope … Click Here to Read more

False Prophet Pope Frances and Turkey’s Muslim President Erdogan will meet to discuss Control of Jerusalem

Zechariah 12:2-3 “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. 3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in … Click Here to Read more

Communist False Prophet Pope aligns with Communist Chinese Government

WSJ – Pope Francis ’ recent decision to replace two Chinese bishops loyal to Rome with selectees of the country’s Communist government, heralding his broader moves to reset the Vatican’s ties with Beijing, has drawn cries of betrayal from advocates of the country’s long-persecuted “underground” Catholic Church. The pope’s actions in China are characteristic of … Click Here to Read more

Islam’s False Mahdi Erdogan will meet with Catholicism’s False Prophet Francis to discuss Jerusalem

The Turkish leader and head of the Roman Catholic Church both strongly opposed the move announced by US President Donald Trump at the end of last year. Erdogan called Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem a “bomb” which would inflame the Middle East and his top diplomat called for the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. Erdogan’s first trip to … Click Here to Read more

False Prophet Stands by HIS Fudge Packing Man!

Gravel packer Bishop Barros must have pictures or video of his fellow Molester assaulting boys or girls. The UN-holy see must know that if the pedophile Bishop goes down so will he.   Pope defends Chilean bishop accused of abuse cover-up Yahoo News – “The day they bring me proof against Bishop Barros, then I … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

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