Pope begs people to Forgive the Pedophiles

Excerpts ABC News – Pope Francis begged for forgiveness Tuesday for the “irreparable damage” done to children who were raped and molested by priests, opening his visit to Chile by diving head-first into a scandal that has greatly hurt the Catholic Church’s credibility here and cast a cloud over his visit. Just exactly WHO did … Click Here to Read more

Flashback: Catholic Jesuit Superior resigns after charged with Black Mass Child Sacrifices

While going through some old files I came across this article. The original source is no longer online probably due to Vatican pressure. Judy Byington May 28, 2014 Catholic Jesuit head Adolfo Panchon announced his resignation this week after the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels linked him to Ninth Circle Satanic Child … Click Here to Read more

Jesuits – The Society of Jesus

The Society of Jesus, more commonly known as the Jesuits, is a society within the Roman Catholic Church that was founded by Ignatius of Loyola and instituted by Pope Paul III. The Jesuit society demands four vows of its members: poverty, chastity, obedience to Christ, and obedience to the Pope. The purpose of the Jesuits … Click Here to Read more

Biblically Ignorant Pope Francis: Migrants like the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem

WHAT???? This is how BILLIONS of ignorant idol worshiping fools are duped by the twisting of scripture and half-truths. I do pray if you do not know the correct story, that you will get a proper Bible and read the story for yourself. Do not rely on someone who will NOT give you Chapter and … Click Here to Read more

Devils Disciple Bernard Law: Key figure in Cover up of Pedophile Priests DEAD!

“Good riddance to bad rubbish. I hope the gates of hell are swinging wide to allow him entrance,” says a Victim Even though he was evil while still alive, if he truly repented and asked Jesus to forgive him, he will be in heaven! VATICAN CITY (AP) — Cardinal Bernard Law, the disgraced former archbishop … Click Here to Read more

Catholics and Necrophilia

Vatican Passes New Necrophilia Relics Guidelines Banning The Sale Of Body Parts Of Catholic ‘Saints’ The Vatican instructions explicitly rule out selling the hair strands, hands, teeth and other body parts of saints that often fetch high prices in online auctions. They also prohibit the use of relics in sacrilegious rituals and warn that the … Click Here to Read more

False Prophet: Media Sins by dredging up and Sensationalizing Old News

He is NOT speaking here of the MSM, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX and the rest of the Globalist News Whores! No, he is speaking of the NEW MEDIA who are exposing what the Dinosaur media should have. That boat won’t float these days Scooter! See Pinocchio News Outlets Psalms 37:12-15 “The wicked (MSM) plotteth … Click Here to Read more

Apostate Evangelical Mega-Church Pastor Leads Congregation in Consecration to Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer

Another devils den about to convert to Catholicism! ChurchPop – During a recent Friday night service, a pastor at New Life Church, an evangelical Protestant megachurch in Colorado Springs, CO, reportedly led the congregation in something you wouldn’t normally expect: the Sign of the Cross and a prayer of a consecration to the Sacred Heart … Click Here to Read more

World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Embracing Roman Catholicism

Some members are not liking the move! This IS the move for the One World Religion with the Satanic False Prophet Pope as the head. He will give credence to the anti-Christ! What it boils down to folks is there are STILL a few evangelicals who will not bow a knee to Baal and buddy … Click Here to Read more

Pope Francis Claims Angel’s Greeting to Mary as Being ‘Full of Grace’ meant she was Without Sin

Christian News –  In one of the feasts and celebrations marked on the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar leading up to Christmas, Catholics around the world observed the Feast of Immaculate Conception on Friday, a day in which those who follow the religion commemorate their belief that Mary was conceived in her mother Anne’s womb without … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

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