Jerusalem’s Chrislam Catholics Condemn Israel for Muslim Violence and Terror Attacks

That no good false prophet has opened his demonic mouth and is stiring the pot again! Breaking Israel News – Amid the intensifying battles surrounding the Temple Mount, the Catholic Church expressed its concerns in terms that placed the blame entirely on Israel while referring to the site exclusively by its Muslim name. One bishop … Click Here to Read more

Jesuit indicates Jesus was Wrong about Marriage between a Man a Woman and Divorce

Jesuit Superior: Jesus Was Not ‘Black and White’ on Man/Woman Marriage What version of the Bible is this fool reading, The Queen James? Biblical Ignorance will NOT be an excuse when this hound of Hell stands before God at the Great White Throne Judgement and is cast into Hell! This Perverted Catholic/Jesuit is a probably … Click Here to Read more

Sex Orgies, Prostitution and Porn videos shake Catholic Church in Italy

Oh what a joy it is to be Catholic. You can Sin all you want and get a pardon from a pervert priest! NOT!!!! 1st Corinthians 6:9-10 “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves … Click Here to Read more

Pope Francis pushing the Satanic Global Agenda

Now is the time to acknowledge our sins against creation, the Pope said. Inasmuch as we all generate small ecological damage, we are called to acknowledge our contribution, smaller or greater, to the disfigurement and destruction of creation. Source. Jon Watkins   September 4, 2016 Romans 1:22 -25-26 “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, … Click Here to Read more

The Lords Supper – The Eucharist – Holy Communion

Idolatry of the Eucharist – Transubstantiation Heresy of the Catholic Church WARNING! DANGER Will Robinson DANGER!! One must be very very careful about taking communion. If you take it in an unworthy manner, you can eat and drink yourself into sickness, disease or even damnation! There are millions, especially Catholics that are taking it in … Click Here to Read more

The Disease of False Religion Part 1

Identifying the Disease Pope Frances: Muslims are his “brothers and sisters” and “Jesus failed” on the Cross of Calvary! “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.”– C.H. Spurgeon That quote applies not only to the Vatican, but to the rest of the “Clowns” … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

If you can spare a few dollars, or a bunch of them, please take a few moments and donate here.  Please forgive this Plea, but these are desperate times!