Pope: Mary frees us from the stain of Sin!

Pope Prays in observance of Catholic Belief Mary Was Conceived Sinless ‘You Free Us From Stain of Sin’ Heather Clark – Christian News December 9, 2016 – ROME — In one of the feasts and celebrations marked on the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar leading up to Christmas, Catholics around the world observed the Feast of … Click Here to Read more

Pedophile Catholic Priests have Stronghold on Island of Guam

When you read this keep in mind it is on a small island with not that many people. This has been going on, according to the article, since 1955! Just another instance of religion being used as a cover. It is stated the parents told one child “ clergy are never wrong, and that the … Click Here to Read more

Snorting Cocaine and Gay Orgy right on the False Prophet Francis’ Property!

This info is Midway through a writing at the Daily Beast: Nosy neighbors are never a good thing. Especially if you are a monsignor hosting orgies and your neighbors are cardinals. […]“The fed-up neighbors were simply sick of what they described as a “steady stream of young men” who frequented Ratzinger’s former apartment, which had … Click Here to Read more

Homosexual Francesco Coccopalmerio: Cardinal Gay Orgy and Media is Silent

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Evidence emerging from the Vatican in recent days strongly suggests Pope Francis is transforming the Catholic Church into a socialist political organization that embraces the LGBT agenda, in complete rejection of the traditional pro-family religious orientation of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI.

Top Advisor to Pope, Cardinal Pell, Charged with Sex Assaults on Young Boys

False Prophet backs him 100% – Global pedophilia rings continue to be exposed RT – Australia’s highest-ranking Roman Catholic clergyman, Vatican treasurer Cardinal George Pell, has been charged by Australian police over sex allegations from “multiple complainants.” The Vatican has released a statement of support for Pell, citing his “honesty.” “Cardinal Pell is facing multiple … Click Here to Read more

Black Pope: Satan is a Symbolic Figure made up by Man.

Just more proof that Catholicism is the Whore Religion leading Billions to Hell! Breitbart – The head of the Jesuit order, (Black Pope and chief Luciferian) Father Arturo Sosa, has denied the existence of the devil as a real being, suggesting rather that humans invented Satan as a “symbolic” figure to represent evil. In an … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

If you can spare a few dollars, or a bunch of them, please take a few moments and donate here.  Please forgive this Plea, but these are desperate times!