From Route 66 to Vatican 666

Leo Zagami, live in studio and fresh from a book tour, gives his impressions of discusses his American road trip. Meanwhile, back in Italy, Putin meets the Pope. What is the history of the Jesuits & Russia and what is going on now? Zagami also touched on Italy’s tactic to push back against the EU’s … Click Here to Read more

China and the Vatican Harvesting and Selling Organs for Big Money

This video is from 2017. Liar liar pants on fire! Last week shocking news from Rome published on LifeSiteNews regarding Steven Mosher, the founder and president of the Population Research Institute, who said that the Communist Chinese government is harvesting organs from prisoners while they are still alive to supply its lucrative organ transplant industry. … Click Here to Read more

Vatican Embraces Mark of the Beast Currency and Technology!

In the voice of Gomer Pyle….   Catholic church jumps head first into blockchain technology and cryptocurrency Mac Slavo | SHTF – ICOx Innovations Inc., which designs, builds and manages digital currencies so organizations can grow their businesses by attracting, engaging and retaining customers through the creation of their own digital currency, announced today a … Click Here to Read more

Vatican Hosts Class on how to Cast Out their Daddy and his Offspring!

The Vatican Is Bringing Christian Pastors To Rome To Train Them In How To Perform Catholic Ritual Exorcisms Using Saints, Icons And Graven Images Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – More than 241 people, both lay and religious, from more than 40 countries signed up for the course this year, Crux Now reported.“I’m here to understand … Click Here to Read more

Vatican and the Jesuits are loosing control of Venezuela

Cast those Devils out in the name of Jesus!   Chaos in the Vatican as the Jesuits lose control of Venezuela Leo Zagami – Tensions are rising in the Vatican in the last few hours for a number of reasons. First of all, a group of 19 (now 51!) Catholic priests and academics have appealed … Click Here to Read more

Vatican blesses Drug used to Halt Puberty in Children

What is the difference between Men and Boys? Not the price of their Toys any longer! I suppose the Perverts overseeing young boys what to keep them that way for as long as possible. If this drug halts them from growing up, then the Pedophiles can have an endless supply of victims and won’t have … Click Here to Read more

The Vatican, The Illuminati and their Alien Controllers

Vatican’s clerical abuse summit a complete failure but the Illuminati and their alien controllers know it Article by Leo Zagami The Vatican’s clerical abuse summit was a complete failure, and the Vatican knows it. Cardinal Reinhard Marx, one of the Holy Father’s closest advisers, spoke frankly and openly during the event about records not being kept, … Click Here to Read more

Vatican’s Secret Document for Priests who have Children

“It’s the next scandal,” “There are kids everywhere.” MSM – Vincent Doyle, a psychotherapist in Ireland, was 28 when he learned from his mother that the Roman Catholic priest he had always known as his godfather was in truth his biological father. The discovery led him to create a global support group to help other … Click Here to Read more

Vatican Consultant Fr. James Martin Promotes Pro-LGBT Rosary

Do you reckon he is a Fudge Packer himself?? CNS News – Jesuit priest Fr. James Martin, an American who pushes a pro- LGBT agenda in the Catholic Church and who was made a consultant to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communications by Pope Francis, is now promoting a rosary (prayer beads) that includes a “rainbow” … Click Here to Read more

Bones from Missing Teen could be from a Satanic Sacrifice in the Vatican

Human Remains Discovered in a Vatican Building Might Unveil Satanic Sacrifices by the Holy See Forensic analysis suggests remains embedded in Vatican building since 1980s Leo Zagami – This is news I report with a great sense of sorrow, especially because it involves Emanuela Orlandi, the 15-year-old daughter of a Vatican employee that has been … Click Here to Read more

Apostate WCC and Vatican to hold One World Religion Discussions in September

Matthew 15:8 “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”  The Vatican to Host Conference on ‘Migration, Xenophobia, and Politically Motivated Populism’ Also see Pope Francis: … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

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