Important Pope and Vatican News

Pope Francis: Transition to Clean Energy Is ‘Challenge of Epochal Proportions’ False Prophet is pushing the One World Government and Religion! Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. – Humanity must devise a “long-term global strategy” to meet the problem of climate change, Pope Francis said Saturday, which requires phasing out fossil fuels. Addressing participants at a meeting … Click Here to Read more

Religious Vatican Devil meeting with the Secular Devils at Bilderberg

Vatican Secretary of State attending elite Bilderberg meeting Could this be the Next Pope being Groomed? 2nd Corinthians 6:14 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”  I threw that scripture in for good measure. These devils “Yoke Up” just fine. … Click Here to Read more

False Prophet and Vatican News Summary May 13

The False Prophet says: The devil is a big loser but he still manages to Trick People Yes…., I agree with the UN-holy see! And the biggest “Trick” of all is the Religion of Catholicism! Catholic News Service – The devil is “a loser,” but he still tricks people into giving him power, Pope Francis … Click Here to Read more

Vatican has Paid out nearly 4 BILLION Dollars to Cover Up for Pedophile Priests!

The Vatican has quietly paid out nearly $4 billion in compensation to victims of child sexual abuse, according to a shocking new investigation. Yep, you can shut the mouths of some people with a big pay off. If that does not work you threaten them with death! That money would have gone far to feed … Click Here to Read more

250 Girly Man Priests arrive in Rome for Vatican Exorcism course

Described as only international series of lectures of its kind What will they “lecture” about? How to make sure that the demons are secure in the person and how to subdue them just enough so they won’t be detected and cast out! That of course will be done if there is time left from their … Click Here to Read more

The Fox and the Hen House: Pope reactivates Vatican Child Sex Abuse Panel

Do you really think hand picked cronies will get to the bottom of the pedophilia and sexual perversion in the Catholic Church? If you do then I have a huge tract of prime swamp land in the Sahara Desert I would like to sell you a a bargain price! It will be nothing more than … Click Here to Read more

Vatican: China Best Example of Church’s Social Doctrine

Beijing defends human dignity, bishop says What the HELL?!!!! China is the best example for how the Church should be run and they are human rights Champions? That is what these fools in the Whore religion are saying! They are Communists who murder and suppress Christians. You can’t have a church unless it is state … Click Here to Read more

Pope orders Vatican to Seize Pedophile Organization in Peru

They don’t want to help the victims of the sexual perverts, they want to completely control the news that is coming out about the Catholic church. I would bet that there were claims of child sacrifice about to be released so that devil stepped in to protect his underlings! Peru is notorious for Human Sacrifice … Click Here to Read more

Pro-Queer Jesuit Vatican Advisor says Catholic Catechism contributes to LGBT Youth Suicide

NO, being a LGBT Reprobate, which is Demon Possession is what cause LGBT’s to commit Suicide! They are listening to Satan whisper in their ears! News Flash: The whole of the Catholic Catechism CONDEMNS ALL CATHOLICS who adhere to it to Hell! Especially the Eucharist Above image of this Devil worshiping Catholic Priest on the … Click Here to Read more

Catholics shocked that Vatican Christmas tree has no Christian symbols

I ain’t shocked! They don’t want to offend Muslims, Buddhists, Satanists and Witches that are in the fold! Educate yourself as to what the Christmas Tree really is. Christmas: Is it Christian or Pagan? Part 5 Origin of the Christmas Tree ROME, Italy, (LifeSiteNews) – The decorations on the Vatican Christmas tree in St. Peter’s … Click Here to Read more

Vatican Cheers Abortion Loving California Governor Jerry Brown for Global Warming Activism

The Vatican called pro-choice California Gov. Jerry Brown a leader who defends the “dignity and freedom of each person” in a tweet lauding the governor’s climate change crusade. Earlier this month Brown patted himself on the back for a two-week European climate change tour that included the Vatican, according to Life Site News. In his Vatican … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

If you can spare a few dollars, or a bunch of them, please take a few moments and donate here.  Please forgive this Plea, but these are desperate times!