Catholic Priest calls Pro-Life People the “Lunatic Fringe”! Defends Abortion!

Another devils disciple has come out and is a sign of the path the Catholic church is on. Pretty soon you will see the Vatican ENDORSING ABORTION and Pedophilia! It is a given seeing how it is the agenda of the current Communist pope! Just by looking at this devils face, a True Born Again … Click Here to Read more

Catholic Priest with some Gonads Calls Out Abortion Loving Catholic Senators

An outspoken Roman Catholic priest is drawing attention to 14 confessing Catholics in the U.S. Senate who helped reject a bill that would have outlawed abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, calling on their bishops and parish priests to rebuke the lawmakers. Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill. Father Dwight Longenecker wrote on his blog that he was “absolutely … Click Here to Read more