Catholic Devil in Gaza Calls For Revolt Over Trump’s Jerusalem Decision

Here is Chrislam in action. You are blind as a bat if you can’t see what the Whore of Babylon is doing! Breitbart News – Head of the Catholic community in Gaza Emanuel Mussalm has called for civil disobedience in Jerusalem in response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize the city as Israel’s … Click Here to Read more

Apostate Evangelical Mega-Church Pastor Leads Congregation in Consecration to Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer

Another devils den about to convert to Catholicism! ChurchPop – During a recent Friday night service, a pastor at New Life Church, an evangelical Protestant megachurch in Colorado Springs, CO, reportedly led the congregation in something you wouldn’t normally expect: the Sign of the Cross and a prayer of a consecration to the Sacred Heart … Click Here to Read more

The CATHOLIC Church of England holds ‘inclusive’ birthday party for Muhammad and Jesus

‘They are rejecting the crucifixion, denying the resurrection of Christ’ WND – The theological fur is flying after a Church of England congregation hosted a joint birthday celebration for Muhammad and Jesus, with the church being accused of rejecting the fundamentals of the Christian faith. The “Milad, Advent and Christmas Celebration” took place Sunday, Dec. … Click Here to Read more

It takes 100 years to finish off a Shrine to Mary

The coffers of the Roman Catholic run deep due to the fleecing of ignorant followers. I wonder how many homeless people they could have helped or how many orphans they could have fed and housed? But Noooooo, just like the Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and greedy Word of Faith devils, they line their pockets and built … Click Here to Read more

World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Embracing Roman Catholicism

Some members are not liking the move! This IS the move for the One World Religion with the Satanic False Prophet Pope as the head. He will give credence to the anti-Christ! What it boils down to folks is there are STILL a few evangelicals who will not bow a knee to Baal and buddy … Click Here to Read more

Pope Francis Claims Angel’s Greeting to Mary as Being ‘Full of Grace’ meant she was Without Sin

Christian News –  In one of the feasts and celebrations marked on the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar leading up to Christmas, Catholics around the world observed the Feast of Immaculate Conception on Friday, a day in which those who follow the religion commemorate their belief that Mary was conceived in her mother Anne’s womb without … Click Here to Read more

Vatican Cheers Abortion Loving California Governor Jerry Brown for Global Warming Activism

The Vatican called pro-choice California Gov. Jerry Brown a leader who defends the “dignity and freedom of each person” in a tweet lauding the governor’s climate change crusade. Earlier this month Brown patted himself on the back for a two-week European climate change tour that included the Vatican, according to Life Site News. In his Vatican … Click Here to Read more

Feminists in the Swedish Lutheran Catholic Church Neuter God and Jesus

Telegraph UK – The Church of Sweden is encouraging its clergy to use the gender-neutral term “God” instead of referring to the deity as “he” or “the Lord”. The decision was made on Thursday, wrapping up an eight-day meeting of the church’s 251-member decision-making body. The decision will take effect on May 20 during Pentecost. … Click Here to Read more

Mike Shreve: 13 Roman Catholic Beliefs I No Longer Embrace

Ask yourself WHY am I Catholic? Most are because the family is traditionally Catholic and have no idea what scripture says. It’s like being a Democrat or Republican. You are because that is how you were raised and indoctrinated. WHY? If you don’t know you had best do some soul searching and find out the … Click Here to Read more

False Prophet creates two Child Saints

500,000 People Watch Pope Francis Create Two Child Saints Who Spoke With Demons In Fatima Vision No man can deem a person a saint. You become a Saint when you become Born Again. Read Who is a Saint.  Also the Disease of False Religion From Now the End Begins – Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims … Click Here to Read more

False Prophet likens Jesus and the Gospel to ISIS!

“It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam, however, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.” Yes I called him a bastard because that is exactly how the … Click Here to Read more